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Voltron zarkon voice actor: 59 Photos

Characters and Voice Actors - Voltron: Legendary Defender (Season 4) -  YouTube

Characters and Voice Actors - Voltron: Legendary Defender (Season 5)

The Voice Cast for Netflixs & DreamWorks Voltron: Legendary Defenders (Season 5) ---------------------- Do you recognize any...

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10,000 years. Longevity: His lifespan is seemingly amplified by Quintessence or attributed to his corruption, allowing him to exist for 10,000 years.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(S7bFZqLnFbPDwPAP56fpyAc__25,
Zarkon was ruler of Daibazaal and the original black Paladin of Voltron. He ruled the Galra Empire for 10,000 years. Zarkon became corrupted by Quintessence and unknown dark forces from an alternate reality which led to a revolt against king Alfor to claim Voltron for himself.
Allura's surprise on learning that Zarkon still lives after so many millennia suggests that his lifespan is not natural to the Galra species; it is currently unknown how he has managed to survive for so long.
Zarkon is a masterful tactician, although his strategies mostly rely on brute force [such as willingly sacrificing half of a squad so the other half could get stronger], he still single handily took over the entire universe, give or take a few miscellaneous planets and rebel groups.
Keith (Voltron)
TitleRed Paladin of Voltron (formerly) Black Paladin of Voltron (currently) King consort of Arus (Voltron Force)
OccupationPaladin of Voltron Blade of Marmora (Legendary Defender)
FamilyKrolia (mother) Unnamed father
SpousePrincess Allura (wife, Voltron Force)