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What actor wears a red pocket square: 60 Photos

How To Wear A Doublebreated Suit The Correct Way

Here is how you wear a double-breasted suit the correct way most people button up their double-breasted suits like this but this is...

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Like his fellow Rat Pack comrade Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin was a major proponent of the red silk pocket square, albeit worn more rakishly unstructured than the Chairman's preferred TV fold… a difference that reflects both men's styles, sartorial and otherwise.
He had carried a red handkerchief since he was a boy. Welles Crowther worked as an equities trader and was also a volunteer firefighter. Welles Crowther's bravery and heroism on 9/11 will never be forgotten.
His trousers were tailored with a built-in cummerbund, and, again, his jacket was embellished with a tomato-red pocket square. Carroll had already made the singer 40 tuxedos, but since formalwear was so ubiquitous to Sinatra's presence as a performer, it was necessary to deliver 7 new tuxedos every year.
James Bond is not an adventurous pocket square wearer, most frequently wearing them in white with a straight fold. His goal is to always keep his pocket squares subtle so they don't stand out, so they don't draw attention away from his face and so they don't compete with the rest of his outfit.
This style continued to become more popular into the early 20th century as different folding techniques became prevalent, and the pocket square had now established itself as a key fashion accessory for the gentleman that would take pride in his appearance with squares made of silk, cotton or linen, either patterned or ...