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What did actor jim davis die of: 59 Photos

Jim Davis Memorial Page


It was his gruff characterization of Jock Ewing in the 1978–91 series Dallas, though, that catapulted him to stardom. Davis's death from cancer in 1981 occurred during the fourth season.
While flying back from Venezuela to Texas, the helicopter Jock was in collided with a small plane and crashed into a lake. Jock's body was never found, but he was declared dead in 1982. The storyline involving Jock's death was necessitated by the death of actor Jim Davis.
Another film highlight is El Dorado (1967). This was the first movie in which he played alongside John Wayne. Both actors got on very well and so they stayed in contact with each other after the filming. A few years later Wayne would do something very special for Jim as he helped him process a very tragic loss.
She and the rest of the Dallas (1978) cast attended the funeral of her one-time co-star and best friend, Jim Davis, on 1 May 1981.
Jim Davis makes his last appearance as Jock in “Dallas's” 75th hour, “New Beginnings,” but it's more of a cameo than anything else. His final, “real” performance comes at the end of “Ewing vs. Ewing,” and no matter how many times I watch it, it never fails to move me.