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What happened to mccree voice actor: 59 Photos

My heart has been breaking: McCree voice actor supports upcoming name  change - Inven Global

Mccrees voice actor plays Overwatch.

Views: 186899
Youtube - @AnteroX1234


Matthew Mercer, the voice actor behind Overwatch's McCree, has commented on his upcoming name change, saying it needed to be done. Following the allegations of toxic workplace culture raised against Activision Blizzard last month, several key figures left the company.
Originally named Jesse McCree after a developer at Blizzard, the character's name was changed after the developer was fired for alleged inappropriate behavior at the company.
Coincidentally, both characters are voiced by the same voice actor, Matthew Mercer. Both Jotaro and Cassidy were inspired by Clint Eastwood's Man with No Name character from Sergio Leone's Dollars Trilogy of Western films.
He adopted Mercer (which members of his family had used in the past) as his stage surname because his birth name was too similar to someone already represented by SAG-AFTRA. He had a stint as a member of The Groundlings.
AliasesJesse McCree Cass (nickname)
BirthJuly 31st
Age39 (Overwatch 2) 37 (Overwatch)