Who were the actors in the green mile: 59 Photos
No, The Green Mile is not based on a true story but is an adaption of an eponymous serialized novel by the renowned Stephen King. The movie has a realistic portrayal of the Southern prison environment in the 1930s but incorporates elements like healing abilities and other fantastical elements that are supernatural.
It stars Tom Hanks as a death row prison guard during the Great Depression who witnesses supernatural events following the arrival of an enigmatic convict (Michael Clarke Duncan) at his facility.
Paul's long-simmering suspicions that John is innocent are proven right when he discovers that it was actually Wharton who raped and killed the two girls and that John was trying to revive them.
William's quote before he rapes and murders Katie and Cora. William Wild Bill Wharton is the main antagonist of the novel The Green Mile by Stephen King and its 1999 film adaptation. He is a wild-acting, dangerous multiple-murderer who is determined to make as much trouble as he can before he is executed.
He's big — 6-foot-5, 320 pounds big. But for once in his life, Michael Clarke Duncan wasn't big enough. The role of John Coffey in the movie adaptation of Stephen King's “The Green Mile” called for someone huge — 7 feet tall, around 350 pounds. Big just wasn't going to be good enough.