MoonageDaydream.Film » Actors » Why does hollywood use so many british actors

Why does hollywood use so many british actors: 60 Photos

Why are British actors continuously cast for American roles? - Collider

Patrcik Dempsey writes: I just wanted to ask you guys why Hollywood is intent on continuously casting British actors for American...

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This would explain why so many American characters on American shows are played by British actors. It's thanks to their training and also a result of necessity; anything less, and U.K. actors would likely have their opportunities limited to their home turf.
1) Generally, British actors are stage-trained, learning their craft first in theater in contrast to many American actors whose apprenticeships are in daytime dramas and Disney shows. Because they go where the money is.
UK is place where stage acting is common. Before an actor made to the big screen, they first to stage acting in front on a live audience. No second retake and memorized your lines. That's why like of Sir Lawrence Olivier, Anthony Hopkins, Ian Mckellen and Patrick Stewart are good theater actors from UK.
Hollywood and the United Kingdom are connected via the American industry's use of British source material, an exchange of talent, and Hollywood's financial investment in British facilities and productions.
Because most moviegoers are English speakers, it follows that the British native accent is used because it is the most familiar to them, instead of some midwestern accent or Appalachian accent. The concept of studying a variety of languages as a child assists us in comprehending what others are saying.