Wicket star wars actor: 59 Photos
Television films and animated series. After the release of Return of the Jedi, the Ewoks starred in two made-for-TV movies, both of which starred Warwick Davis reprising his role as Wicket from Return of the Jedi.
Davis also briefly appeared in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, reprising his role of Wicket. He appeared in the role alongside his son Harrison, who also cameoed as Wicket's son Pommet.
Davis also had a cameo as a Tatooine street trader, and doubled Yoda in some of his walking scenes in The Phantom Menace (although Yoda was still voiced by Frank Oz).
When he was 11 years old, his grandmother heard a radio appeal for people under four feet tall to appear in. A huge Star Wars fan, Davis auditioned successfully and was cast as an extra, playing an Ewok. Kenny Baker was cast as lead Ewok Wicket, but fell ill so George Lucas chose Davis to replace him.
In Return of the Jedi and the Ewok movies why were only adult dwarves (besides the 12 year old dwarf actor Warwick Davis) used to portray Ewoks instead of using small young children to portray the Ewoks?