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Mary Elizabeth Winstead Talks 10 Cloverfield Lane

Star of 10 Cloverfield Lane Mary Elizabeth Winstead stops by to semi-explain her new movies relationship to Cloverfield....

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The second film in the Cloverfield franchise, it stars Mary Elizabeth Winstead, John Goodman, and John Gallagher Jr. The story follows a young woman who, after a car crash, wakes up in an underground bunker with two men who insist that an event has left the surface of Earth uninhabitable.
At some point after her kidnapping, she was most likely killed by Howard trying to stop her from escaping and her body dissolved in his vat of acid; she most likely refused to cooperate with him.
Cloverfield producer J.J. Abrams is the reason why Bradley Cooper's 10 Cloverfield Lane cameo happened. Abrams cast a young and green Cooper in his espionage thriller Alias back in 2001. The show helped jump-start Cooper's career, leading him to become the A-list director and actor that he's known to be today.
This kind of energy could have been put into expanding the building tension in the locked room, which might have made a better movie. But 10 CLOVERFIELD LANE is still spirited, prickly fun. It's quite a bit different from its predecessor but still worth seeing.
Megan is the daughter of Howard and Denise Stambler. She was born at some point before 2000. Megan loved french culture and wanted to be an artist. Whenever Howard asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up, she answer that she wanted to be french.