Actress victoria principal today: 59 Photos
Dallas Pam Ewing return ruled out photo images
Goodbye Victoria Principal. TODAY! 3 P.M Everyone said a tearful goodbye to the Victoria Principal
Victoria Principal (born January 3, 1950) is an American actress and businessperson. She was born in Japan, where her father was stationed in the U.S. forces. In 1970, Principal moved to Hollywood.
Harry Glassman in 1983. They married on June 22, 1985, in Dallas, Texas, when Principal was seven years into her role on Dallas.
ANDY GIBB and VICTORIA PRINCIPAL, who were engaged to be married for a minute there in the early 80s. 💝💔🙏 Sadly, Victoria Principal was only ever in love with ONE person, and that was herself. Andy was simply a game to her.
Margaret Michaels. Victoria Principal, who played Bobby's first wife Pamela for 10 seasons before she left the show and was briefly replaced by Margaret Michaels the following season, issued a statement back in March saying she had no interest in reprising the character on the TNT reboot.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(TgTGZtShAcKTxc8Piu7OAQ__79,
Victoria founded a beauty company which she sold called Principal Secret in 2018, and she wrote books about beauty and fitness.