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Dilruba actress: 60 Photos

Dilraba Dilmurat (迪丽热巴) Lifestyle || Husband, Net worth, Family, Height, House, Car, Biography 2023

Dilraba Dilmurat (迪丽热巴) Lifestyle || Husband, Net worth, Family, Height, House, Car, Biography 2023 #dilrabadilmurat #迪丽热...

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China's most famous actress is Dilraba Dilmurat, a 31-year-old Xinjiang native who has more than 80 million followers on the social media platform Weibo. Her talents are held in such high regard that she has even been complimented on her dancing by the country's foreign ministry.
Dilraba Dilmurat, better known as Dilireba, is a Chinese actress of Uyghur ethnicity.
Dilraba Dilmurat was born on 3 June 1992 in Urumqi, Xinjiang, China.
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