Jennifer aniston bad actress: 59 Photos
While Aniston's ability as a comedic actor is flawless – and timing on a live TV show like Friends is a notoriously difficult skill to master – she is versatile enough to tackle all genres; something she wants the industry to wake up and recognise.
Jennifer Aniston and Sandra Bullock are two of the most famous faces in Hollywood, following a successful career in the film and television industry. And while the pair had already crossed paths in the '90s, it was not until recently that they built a strong friendship.
Jennifer Aniston wants the world to know that Matthew Perry was in a good place before his untimely death. In her first interview following the loss of her “Friends” co-star, Aniston told Variety she hopes Perry is remembered “as he said he'd love to be remembered” — a man who lived well and helped others.
🇬🇷🇺🇸 Wow! Jennifer Aniston (Anastasakis) speaks Greek on the red carpet. “Jennifer, ti kaneis?” (How are you?) Jennifer replies: “Kala, esi?” (Good, you?) Story: jennifer-aniston/ Video by George Satsidis - in Los Angeles, CA.
Jennifer Aniston is best known for her role on Friends, but she's also an accomplished film star. Aniston's highest-rated films include The Iron Giant (1999) and Dumplin' (2018).