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Merlin manor actress: 59 Photos

Marilyn and Her Monsters | Vanity Fair

Marilyn Monroe Singing Happy Birthday/Thanks For The Memories To President John F Kennedy 1962

Marilyn footage singing to JFK on his gala birthday bash on May 19th 1962. The running joke for the evening, as planned, was...

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Youtube - @Marilyn Monroe Video Archives


We love Marilyn so much—as a face, as a symbol, as a bottomless well that will take as much pity as we can pour into it—that collectively we seem to have lost sight of one of the central truths of her being: she was a phenomenally intelligent and gifted actor, a woman whose natural charm and devotion to her craft ...
Laura Harris. Laura Harris: Marie Warner.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(ebzFZpzdBKa0wPAPx7zpmQc__38,
She took a hiatus from acting in 2015 after almost 28 years, but began reappearing in roles from 2021.
Elevated to the category of myth and legend, perhaps less well known is the fact that various sources attribute an IQ of 165 to Monroe, five points higher than that of Albert Einstein himself, however, the perception of both characters was diametrically opposed due to the image projected by each one and their ...
Onscreen Marilyns, Ranked
  1. Michelle Williams, My Week With Marilyn (2011)
  2. Kelli Garner, The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe (2015) ...
  3. Theresa Russell, Insignificance (1985) ...
  4. Ashley Judd, Norma Jean & Marilyn (1996) ...
  5. Poppy Montgomery, Blonde (2001) ...
  6. Samantha Morton, Mister Lonely (2007) ...
  7. Madonna, “Material Girl” (1984) ...