Calling a celebrity: 59 Photos
someone who is famous. A celebrity is someone who is famous, especially in areas of entertainment such as movies, music, writing, or sports.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(gP3FZovsGeXYwPAPj9qcyQg__29,
Casually approach them and say “Hi.” Try to stay composed. Don't panic or start screaming if they wave or smile back. Simply casually walk up to them and introduce yourself. Say hi, and let them know that you're a fan of their work.
Many celebrities list their contact information or a contact form on their website or may have a “Contact” or “Booking” page. You can also try searching for their agent or management company online, as they may have contact information on their website.
The word is also used to refer to famous people. A person may attain celebrity status by having great wealth, participation in sports or the entertainment industry, their position as a political figure, or even their connection to another celebrity.
: a famous or celebrated person.