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Celebrities back in the day: 60 Photos

40 Captivating Photos Of Celebrities Back In The Day That You May Have Never Seen Before (Part 1)

Every celebrity has several iconic moments in their career that will forever remain in their memory. But before these incredible...

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Sarah Bernhardt. A century ago, mourners lined the streets of Paris, watching as black horses pulled flower-laden floats and a coach carried the coffin of Sarah Bernhardt, the woman widely considered the first modern celebrity.
fame is defined by the % of people who have heard of a all-time person. Find out more
  • 1 Donald Trump99%
  • 2 Arnold Schwarzenegger98%
  • 3 Barack Obama98%
  • 4 Abraham Lincoln98%
  • 5 Johnny Depp98%
  • 6 Beyoncé98%
  • 7 Jim Carrey98%
  • 8 Albert Einstein98%
Elisabeth Waldo. Elisabeth Waldo is 105 years old, making her the oldest living celebrity still alive today. A violinist, composer and conductor, Elisabeth Waldo began her impressive musical career on her family's ranch in Washington State. She was singing by the age of three and playing a small violin by the age of five.
A host of international royals, politicians and celebrities will be celebrating milestone birthdays in 2024. Kate Moss and Leonardo DiCaprio will both turn 50 while Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren and Dame Jane Goodall will mark their 90th birthdays.
actress Sarah Bernhardt. In your book you argue that the French actress Sarah Bernhardt (1844–1923) is the first model of modern celebrity. What made her a trendsetter? Bernhardt became the godmother of modern celebrity because her career coincided with several inventions that she cannily used to promote herself.