Celebrities phone numbers 2020 real: 59 Photos
Is SMS the New DM? Why Celebrities Are images
I FaceTimed 1,000 Celebrities, Heres Who Picked Up
Many celebrities list their contact information or a contact form on their website or may have a “Contact” or “Booking” page. You can also try searching for their agent or management company online, as they may have contact information on their website.
Cameo Direct is our exclusive app feature where you chat with your favorite celebrities! Let them know you're a big fan, send them fan stickers or just say hi! Get even more great content, only on our app. Watch videos from your favorite celebrities, check out hilarious fan reactions and more.
Try reaching out through online platforms like Facebook or Instagram, or whichever platform they're most active on. You can also try getting in touch on their official website—there might be an official message board you can chat on. If you don't hear back, send a follow-up message between 2 weeks to 2 months later.
The Easiest Celebrities To Contact Through The Mail
- Julie Andrews. c/o Greengage Productions Inc. ...
- Theresa Caputo. P.O. Box 490. ...
- Glenn Close. c/o Trillium Productions. ...
- Daniel Craig. c/o Sally Long-Innes. ...
- Judi Dench. c/o Victoria Belfrage. ...
- Fran Drescher. c/o Cancer Schmancer. ...
- Clint Eastwood. c/o Howard Bernstein. ...
- Brett Favre.
Casually approach them and say “Hi.” Try to stay composed. Don't panic or start screaming if they wave or smile back. Simply casually walk up to them and introduce yourself. Say hi, and let them know that you're a fan of their work.