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Celebrities who were born on halloween: 59 Photos

7 Celebrities Born on Halloween

Comparison | Celebrities Who Were Born On Halloween

Here are all the famous people who were born on October 31st, Halloween. Featuring actors, musicians, singers, athletes,...

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Among the famous people born on Halloween were Christopher Columbus, Michael Landon, Dan Rather, John Candy and Nick Saban.
The Least Common Birthdays
Top 10 Least Common Birthdays
RankDateU.S. Average Daily Births
359thNovember 23 (11/23)9,883
358thNovember 25 (11/25)9,954
357thOctober 31 (10/31)9,978
Index: Born in 31 October
OrderPerson NameCategory
7)Vanilla IceActor
8)Lil JJActor
9)Youssef WagehWriter
10)Thomas RongenActor
Other sources say we are immune to evil spirits. And still, other sources argue that Halloweeners can communicate with spirits. One thing for sure is that it is an uncommon day to be born. A 2011 Yale study found that 11.3 percent fewer babies are born on Halloween than any other day of the year.
February 29 th. Unsurprisingly, February 29 th is the least common birthday. Because Leap Day only rolls around every four years, there's only a 1/1,461 chance of being born on this day (versus 1/365 for any other given day).