Celebrities with aphantasia: 60 Photos
People with rare condition aphantasia reveal what its photo images
Neuroscientist reveals the truth about the third eye l GMA
Cant picture things in your mind? You may illustrations
John Green on how he deals with obsessive-compulsive disorder and thought spirals
We Dont All Have a Minds Eye | Aphantasia
Aphantasia: The People Without a Minds Eye | Out of Mind | Wired UK
Aphantasia: Seeing the world without a minds eye | Tamara Alireza | TEDxGoodenoughCollege
20 Famous People With Aphantasia - Discover Walks images
Average IQ is, if anything, marginally higher in people with aphantasia than hyperphantasia [50]. However, one aspect of memory, that is typically neglected in standard assessments, is more markedly reduced in aphantasia, as suggested by anecdotal reports [39,40].
As a visual artist with aphantasia, there is nothing abstract about my work. It is very literal in every sense of the word. Figure 1. My interpretation of an aerial photo in Melbourne, Victoria.
However, the emphasis on embodied imagery in actor training presents special challenges for actors with aphantasia. These neurodivergent students report challenges in their ability to visualize, or 'see with the mind's eye,' rendering widely used pedagogical tools ineffective and frustrating.
Most people with aphantasia don't experience issues from it (and many don't even realize their minds work differently). Many people with it find success in science and math-related fields, but there's no shortage of artists and other creative professionals with it, too.
Aphantasics show elevated autism-linked traits. Aphantasia and autism linked by impaired imagination and social skills. Aphantasia (low imagery) can arise in synaesthesia (usually linked to high imagery).