Celebrities with cataracts: 59 Photos
10 Celebrities Chronic Eye Diseases and Conditions - images
CataractCoach™ 2185: surgery for a famous actress
Claude Monet. The famous artist known for his scenic oil paintings had cataracts for many years. A cataract is a natural aging change of the eyes, which causes the lens to grow and become yellow/brown as it worsens.
Mila Kunis. As a result, she experienced low vision and developed a cataract. Kunis also has heterochromia iridum, a condition in which the irises are different colors.
Sometimes, a cataract may temporarily improve a person's ability to see close-up, because the cataract acts as a stronger lens. This phenomenon is called second sight, because people who may have once needed reading glasses find that they don't need them anymore.
You may find simple adjustments, such as using brighter lights for reading, wearing anti-glare sunglasses, or using magnifying lenses, can help manage the symptoms. However, as the cataracts progress, these adjustments may no longer be sufficient.
However, if it isn't treated, it will inevitably become vision-threatening and impact your quality of life. This is because, over time, the cataract will continue to grow, clouding more and more of the natural lens of the eye until you can no longer see clearly enough to function.