Celebrity life game: 59 Photos
Gameplay. One team is chosen to go first, and that team selects a player to give clues to the rest of their team. Play begins when the clue-giver picks a name out of the hat. From that moment, they have one minute to get their team to correctly guess as many celebrity names as possible before time runs.
How to Play Celebrity. Split into 2 teams and have everyone write the name of a celebrity on a piece of paper. Each player will then draw a name and provide clues for their team to guess the celebrity. The team has 60 seconds to guess correctly, then it's the other team's turn.
Here are some fun celebrity options to choose from.
- Leonardo Di Caprio.
- Michelle Obama.
- Michael Jordan.
- Adele.
- Sean Connery.
- Queen Elizabeth II.
Attach one name label to each person's forehead, ensuring the individual concerned does not see what is written on the label. Each volunteer's objective is to identify the celebrity's name written on their label by asking the audience as few 'Yes/No' questions as possible.