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Celebrity peloton handles: 59 Photos

Celebrities on Peloton - Usernames


Our New Series is Streaming Now on YouTube. Check out what happens when Usain Bolt, Joe Jonas and more show up and sweat it out on the Peloton Tread. Celebs.
Funniest Peloton Usernames
  • MissCalibrated.
  • TheSpinDiesel.
  • FreddieSpinzeJr.
  • MazelTough.
  • TheFbombMom.
  • Will_Spin_For_Zin.
  • TourdeMerlot.
  • TimmyTootsALot.
What are the Peloton instructor's leaderboard names (or coaches' usernames)
Coach/InstructorLeaderboard Name / Username
Ben AlldisBenAlldis
Benny AdamiBennyAdami
Bradley Rosebradley_rose
Callie GullicksonItscallieG
Peloton usernames of NFL Players & Football players
NFL/Football PlayerPeloton Leaderboard Name / Username
Joe Staleychip74js
Justin Tucker
JJ Wattkjwatt (Note that JJ Watts has claimed he doesn't have a bike)
Russell WilsonDangeRussWilson
I've been a Peloton member for several years, and I'm excited to partner with a company that helps people, young and old, be the best versions of themselves, in an innovative and adaptable way.