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Celebrity plus hybrid tomato: 59 Photos

Celebrity Plus VFFNTA Hybrid Tomato


This tomato is everything you loved about the original Celebrity, plus an added resistance to tomato spotted wilt virus. A widely adaptable hybrid for fresh market and home garden. Celebrity produces large, smooth fruit with outstanding flavor.
The Celebrity tomato cultivar is a hybrid (biology) that produces long fruit-bearing stems holding 20 or more very plump, robust tomatoes. Fruits weigh approximately 8 oz., and are 4 inches across. Plants need caging or staking, and produce fruit throughout the growing season.
Are Celebrity tomatoes determinate or indeterminate? Celebrity tomatoes are unique—they are considered semi-determinate. Like determinate species, they stop growing up to a point (3 to 4 feet tall).
Heirloom tomatoes are popular for their consistent great taste right off the vine, however they may not have the disease resistance of hybrids. A hybrid tomato is a cross between two different varieties that have been selected for disease resistance, taste, shortened time to harvest, and/or improved fruit production.
Prized by many chefs as the best of its kind, Pomodoro S. Marzano dell'Agro Sarnese-Nocerino is a variety of plum tomato grown along the banks of Sarno River in the fertile volcanic plains south of Mount Vesuvius, namely within the provinces of Naples, Salerno and Avellino.