Celebrity silhouette upgrade: 59 Photos
February 2020. The Celebrity Silhouette cruise ship was modernised as part of the Celebrity Revolution programme in February 2020.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(BADGZrSuFq2-wPAPzb3ZiQs__41,
The Celebrity Silhouette refurbishment came in 2020. This bow-to-stern update saw a number of new features added from the line's newer Edge-class ships.
Contact the cruise line or travel agent. Most cruise lines offer cabin upgrades for an additional fee. You can inquire about availability and pricing for higher-tiered cabins. Prices may vary depending on the cruise line, ship, and availability, so it's best to enquire beforehand.
An upgraded cabin is almost always better than the most basic room on board. The only thing stopping you from splurging on a larger space, a private balcony and extra perks is your budget. If you change your mind once you've booked, you'll find several ways to upgrade your cabin to a higher-category room.
A ship's traveler rating is provided under license by Cruiseline.com , which manages one of the largest databases of cruise reviews and ratings by travelers. A total of 1213 guests have reviewed Celebrity Silhouette, giving it a rating of 4.3 on a scale of 1-5.