Do celebrities have a right to privacy: 59 Photos
Celebrities deserve privacy Argumentative Free Essay Example 564 illustrations
Do Celebs Have A Right To Privacy?
Currently, no federal law in the U.S. protects celebrities' right to publicity. However, states like California have established statutes and common law to protect celebrity citizens.
Celebrities are often in circumstances that would benefit from Private Security. However, they may only choose professional protection at certain events, such as awards shows. This is because even the presence of security personnel can and does attract unwanted attention. This is certainly understandable.
Legal Protections. In some cases, legal measures may be necessary to protect privacy. Laws regarding paparazzi and how they may interact with celebrities vary by region, but many actors seek restraining orders or press charges in cases of overt harassment.
The protection of celebrity rights in India is a complex and evolving area of law. There is no single law that specifically protects the rights of celebrities, but rather a patchwork of laws from different areas of law, such as copyright law, trademark law and privacy law.
No one really knows what the 'no eye-contact' rule is all about. It has been linked to ego and being a diva. But with celebrities feeling every aspect of their lives is on display and public property, perhaps it could be seen as a self-preservation technique?