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Fear of celebrities: 59 Photos

Celebrities Biggest Phobias: Kylie Jenner, Tyra Banks and More | Us Weekly


Nicole Kidman, who is well-known for her role in Cold Mountain, possesses a fear of butterflies. This relatively common fear represents a phobia that is known as lepidopterophobia. According to Kidman, her lepidopterophobia began when she was a child growing up in Australia.
Scopophobia is an extreme fear of being watched or stared at and can lead to significant impairments in daily, social, or professional functioning.
  • Kendall Jenner Trypophobia.
  • Salma Hayek Ophidiophobia.
  • Walt Disney Musophobia.
  • Scarlett Johansson Ornithophobia.
  • Johnny Depp Coulrophobia.
  • Tyra Banks Delfiniphobia. Tags. Wire.
Some celebrities known to have struggle with emetophobia are: James Dean, Cameron Diaz, Howie Mandel, Denise Richards, Kate Beckinsdale, Joan Baez and Matt Lauer.
What Are the Rarest Phobias?
  • Fear of Walking.
  • Fear of Vomiting.
  • Fear of Peanut Butter.
  • Fear of Mirrors.
  • Fear of Making Decisions.
  • Fear of Long Words.
  • Fear of Chewing Gum.
  • Fear of Phobias.