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Gender equality celebrities: 60 Photos

Priyanka Chopra talks about feminism | Priyanka Chopra answers to journalist | Priyanka Chopra |

PriyankaChopra #Nepotism #slams Like comments share Priyanka Chopra answers to a journalist about Feminism.... We love...

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Denmark. 1) Denmark. Nordic countries usually come out on top for measures related to gender equality, and the GII is no exception. Denmark has the best GII score based on the most recent data (2021), at 0.013.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(Uf_FZpScBL6D1fIPxuymyAo__27,
In recent years, feminist celebrities like Michaela Coel, Megan Markle, Viola Davis and Emma Watson have used their fame and notoriety in Hollywood and beyond to raise awareness of the need for gender equality and help to redefine what it means to be a feminist in the modern day.
Emma Watson became a U.N. Goodwill Ambassador in 2014 and she has championed the U.N. Women's HeforShe campaign. Using this campaign she encouraged everyone, whether male or female, to participate in change and action against negative labeling as stakeholders to achieve gender equality.
The United Nations and women. Within the UN's first year, the Economic and Social Council established its Commission on the Status of Women, as the principal global policy-making body dedicated exclusively to gender equality and advancement of women.
According to the Gender Inequality Index (GII) 2022, Yemen was the least gender equal country in the world. The Gender Inequality Index measures inequality in achievement between women and men in three dimensions: reproductive health, empowerment, and the labor market.