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How to start a conversation with a celebrity online: 60 Photos

Ask Adam Savage: How to Interact With Famous People

In this Ask Adam, Adam answers ignorantForagers question: Whats the best way to interact with famous people that you might...

Views: 116165
Youtube - @Adam Savage’s Tested


Cameo Direct is our exclusive app feature where you chat with your favorite celebrities! Let them know you're a big fan, send them fan stickers or just say hi! Get even more great content, only on our app. Watch videos from your favorite celebrities, check out hilarious fan reactions and more.
Casually approach them and say “Hi.” Try to stay composed. Don't panic or start screaming if they wave or smile back. Simply casually walk up to them and introduce yourself. Say hi, and let them know that you're a fan of their work.
Just get straight to the point by stating something interesting. Avoid typing sentences like “How's your day going?” or “I hope I'm not bothering you.” Never begin the conversation with such words. You're not writing a formal letter; you're trying to get a celebrity to notice your DM.
Write clearly and concisely in messages. Messages that are too long or that ramble without a point might be overlooked. Focus on specific experiences, like the moment you recognized how much you appreciated the celebrity's work or the first time you saw them live. Write a unique and engaging message to your celebrity.
Smile and make eye contact.. Establish eye contact organically, if you can do so without staring; in the absence of that opportunity, simply approach and say “excuse me” or “hi” and tell the star your name. Friendly eye contact with a smile, in any circumstance (even in any language!)