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What movies are playing in louisville kentucky: 59 Photos

AMC Stonybrook 20 - Louisville, Kentucky 40220 - AMC Theatres


AMC Stonybrook 20 & IMAX Movie Showtimes & Tickets | Louisville | IMAX.
Our Xtreme Xscape Auditoriums Feature:. At 70-feet wide and over 3 stories tall, this is the format that the Hollywood Director prefers the moviegoer watch their films. Digital Sound System - These theatres feature the digital sound of Dolby Atmos, Dolby 7.1 Surround, and QSC 7.1 Surround.
The B&B Theatres GRAND SCREEN is the company's own Premium Large Format (PLF) auditorium. These exhibitor-branded auditoriums combine the latest in cinema technology to create a first-class experience with cutting edge sound and projection on the largest screen in the facility.
pounds per linear foot.
USD11 - USD20 ⋅ kysciencecenter.orgKentucky Science Center / Tickets